Success stories
The project “Del Campo al Plato” has many success stories to show! Companies along the entire value chain are involved in establishing biodiversity as an issue in banana and pineapple cultivation and implementing measures between “farm and fork”. We would like to present these measures to you:
- Sample companies and biodiversity action plans
- Successful projects from the ideas competition
- Implementation projects from the networking corridors
- Examples of successful measures along the value chain
What has been implemented so far
- In Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic, numerous producers contributed to an ideas competition for bio-diversity. The proposals range from ecological chicken farming in banana plantations to the use of a flying drone for optimized monitoring of natural habitats. The producers receive advice, material and equipment for the implementation of the measures.
- In Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic, three regions have been identified for the planning of biotope corridors in banana and pineapple-growing areas. Riverine ecosystems are particularly suitable for this pur-pose because they form natural corridors that can be improved by appropriate buffer zones. The biotope corridors should link ecosystems and contribute to the protection of endangered species and the preservation of important ecosystem services. Plantation owners and producer groups in the production regions, as well as stakeholders along the entire value chain, are in-vited to participate in the implementation and “invest” in establishing the corridors based on the plans devel-oped.