The Biodiversity-Check-Agricola examines the effects of pineapple and banana cultivation on biodiversity
Plantaciones AUREDAN is an organic banana production company, which through the Agricultural Biodiversity Check tool was able to identify measures to enhance biodiversity.

Integrated Pest Management:
techniques with microorganisms are used to control pests and diseases.

Identification of invasive species:
catfish was identified as an invasive species, to eradicate this species, fishing is promoted among employees and people in the community.

Mapping of the farm:
productive, conservation and recovery areas are identified.

Conservation initiatives:
activities are carried out together with regional organisations in favour of the conservation of the Yaque del Norte river basin.

The implementation of these measures supports the actions of the Del Campo al Plato program to contribute to the achievement of the Aichi goals. Specifically, goal 7 focuses on the sustainable management of areas used for agriculture to guarantee the conservation of biological diversity.